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Life is difficult at times and we all need prayer. To submit your prayer request online, please click the following link.

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Get Involved

We have many opportunities to become involved in our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world through our Reach, Connect, and Form experiences! Select one to learn about all that are available and contact our ministry leaders.


Experiences that send disciples to serve and to invite people to experience the love of Jesus.

Bereavement Ministry

Offering Chirstian love and support in times of sorrow to bereaved families by providing meals.

To get involved, click here.

Creation Care

Advocating in the church and community for practices that care for God’s Creation in order to ensure the longevity and fruitfulness of the world and all who live on it.

To get involved, click here.

Hospital/Homebound Visitation

Keeping the sick and shut in connected to the church and comforting families after loss.

To get involved, click here.

United Methodist Women

Knowing God, experiencing freedom as a whole person through Jesus Christ, developing creative, supportive fellowship, and expanding concepts of mission in global ministries.

To get involved, click here.


Experiences that connect people to the saving grace of Jesus Christ and our church family.


Joining people in community around a table to share meals together and honestly consider questions about the basic beliefs of the Christian faith.

To get involved, click here.

Altar Guild

Providing elements for Holy Communion and creating a visual environment that leads the community into a place of worship.

To get involved, click here

Greeters and Welcome Center

Welcoming guests and all who come to worship, answering questions, and sharing opportunities for various ministries in the church.

To get involved, click here.

Men's Prayer Breakfast

Sharing a meal and prayer concerns with one another.

To get involved, click here.

MUMS Memorial United Methodist Seniors

Offering opportunities to fellowship, learn, share talents, and pray for each other to our church seniors.

To get involved, click here.


Leading the congregation to an experience of and response to the Holy Spirit through the music provided by our choir, contemporary band, organ, and special music. Along with the congregation, offering authentic worship of Jesus Christ and expressing the truths of God’s nature

To get involved, click here.

Scripture Readers

Reading Scripture on a regular basis at the service of your choice.

To get involved, click here.


Participating in worship services and helping people in need of assistance to reach accesible locations for worship.

To get involved, click here.

Church Bus Ministry

Offering handicap-accessible transportation on the church bus or van to attend our 9:45AM Cornerstone Worship Service, 9:45AM Sunday School Hour or our 11AM Traditional Worship Service on Sunday mornings.

To schedule a pick up for Sunday morning, contact the church office the week before at (270) 769-3331. Office hours are Monday and Thursday from 9AM until 3PM

To get involved, click here.

Wesley Cafe Host

Assisting with refreshments and greeting new guests when they arrive are a top priority for the Wesley Cafe Host. If you love meeting new people with a smile and the smell of fresh coffee, then Wesley Cafe Host is for you!

To get involved, click here.


Experiences that transform people into fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.

Bible Studies

Teaching the Word of God as contained in Scripture and challenging disciples to live into its calling.

To get involved, click here.

Financial Peace University

Teaching basics of Christian budgeting, saving, dumping debt, and spending using Dave Ramsey's acclaimed program.

To get involved, click here.

Lay Leadership

Identifying, developing, deploying, evaluating and monitoring Christian spiritual leadership in the church.

To get involved, click here.

Life Groups

Cultivating conversations in which disciples consider their experiences with God and support one another in their efforts to follow Jesus Christ and grow in their love of God and neighbor.

To get involved, click here.


Bringing individuals and the community into the presence of God to grow in relationship with him.

To get involved, click here.

Sunday School

Studying and applying God's Word in an environment that encourages discussion and leadership.

To get involved, click here.

Women On Wednesdays

Scripture and Bible Study focused on women's topics. Includes a short video and great discussion. Join us each Wednesday from 6pm - 7:30pm. Light snacks and coffee provided. Bring your kids, too! Nursery available. Children and Youth Programs meet at the same time.

To get involved, click here.